
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It’s crazy to think that we have already finished month four debrief. As I have been able to reflect on just what these past four months have meant to me, I have been able to sit in the sweetness of a huge perspective change. When I first said yes to the World Race, I had not the slightest clue what I was saying yes to. It wasn’t easy to know I was saying goodbye to friends and family for a year, living out of a backpack and going to move to a different country every month for 11 months. Although those factors scared me, they also excited me. When I said yes in November of 2019…I had absolutely NO clue what I was saying yes to. 

Expectations and perception can have a way greater hold on us than we even realize. If we want to walk in the fullness of what the Lord has for each of us, than we have to be aware of what those expectations and perceptions are. We then have to be willing to lay them at His feet. If I’m being honest, these past four months have been filled with a little less adventure than I expected, ministry looks a lot different than I envisioned, and I have personally faced a lot more adversity and hardships than I necessarily hoped for. But HOLY COW, have I met the Lord is some of the sweetest places I have ever thought possible. I am learning that we have to be willing to recognize the expectation we have been carrying and then make the conscious decision to let go of the desire of controlling particular outcomes. The Lord has been walking me through a sweet season of what it looks like to authentically trust Him. And in order to fully trust Him we have to let go of this fleshly desire to control our circumstances in order to fit our “expectations”. 

When I said yes to the World Race, I didn’t expect to have to accommodate to the realities of a world pandemic and I didn’t expect to be facing the hardships that I have. Although because of the grace of the Lord, I have been able to change my perspective. To give my yes to hard things in order to let Jesus continue to transform me. My prayer is that as I continue this race and as I continue life, that I’m willing to shift my perspective constantly as I see more of the world, hear more of peoples stories and continue to meet Jesus in deeper places. That my heart posture would be in a constant state of being expectant. Fully believing that the Lord knows me and will meet me where I need Him to, and that I would make the conscious and daily decision to truly trust the Lord. 

A few days ago at debrief, our logistics had just finished speaking about more covid regulations and what we needed to do in order to accommodate. It honestly didn’t phase me considering we are sharing the gospel while traveling the world in the middle of a gloabal pandemic. So, as you can imagine, that absolutely comes with its fair share of twists and turns and last minute accommodations. But as I sat there for a second and looked out at all 44 squad mates, worshipping the Lord, I was beyond humbled. These people said YES and they continue to say YES as our circumstances are up in the air and continue to change. These people are saying YES even though the adventure has changed and there are different obstacles that come with ministry. Each of these people trust that the Lord is moving and they are expectant for Him to move. 

The Lord has been molding, shifting and moving in my heart in indescribable ways. I crave a perspective change on every crevice and detail of my life that the Lord is calling me to. It’s about meeting the Lord, trusting Him even when you can’t see the why or the outcome, and getting to know the Holy Spirit more and more each day. That’s where true freedom is found, true Joy is found and where the real treasure is found. 

6 responses to “When I Said Yes”

  1. Proud of you & thankful for the way you’ve encouraged me in this mindset as well. Love you!

  2. Kennedy!

    What a joy it has been to continue to pray alongside and for you as you are out changing the world with your “yes” to the Lord! I’m so proud of you and love you dearly!


  3. Literally love you with my whole heart! You are such a freaking gift from the Lord wow! Love you friend and thankful for our many convos! Two more months with you…YAY

  4. Thank you SO much! Seriously means so much to me! I and everyone else appreciates your prayers! Love you and thanks for always responding to my posts hehe! Love and miss you lots!

  5. Aww thank you so much Mrs. Turner! That seriously means so much to me! Love you and thankful that you are following this journey with me and praying alongside me!

  6. Kennedy,
    I’m continuing to pray for your journey and what God has in store for you and the people around you every step of the way! You are an inspiration to me!
    Love you!