
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Two days until I leave for launch! These past two weeks I have been trying to soak in every moment, embrace the people around me and be aware of the Lord in it all. I haven’t allowed myself much time to process all the emotion surrounding what lys ahead, but when I think about it, the Lord has been helping me work on all sorts of things since the moment I was brave enough to say yes and apply. If you have spent any time with me at all this past year, you know it was a hard one, and that the unknown of the World Race didn’t make it any easier. It wasn’t until I was at training camp in October, when I finally decided that I was just going to stop. Stop fighting God, stop hanging on to what the Lord has been so patiently asking me to let go of and stop attempting to have some portion of control. Looking back now, I know God has been asking me to stop a long time ago-but I was unsure of how and scared of what would happen. The Lord was SO sweet to speak to me crystal clear that week in October and I have been soaking up the freedom and peace that has come from “letting go” ever since. For me “letting go” has an abundant of meaning that I have just gotten to scratch the surface of…so Im stoked to unravel the many more connotations behind this phrase. BUT for starters, I’m choosing to let go of control, the desire to be seen by man, the pressure of doing the best and the idea of what I think my life should look like. 

Last year around this time, my word for 2020 was confidence. This is a word that has had a heavy meaning for me over this past year, and with a lot of self reflection, vulnerability and honesty I have gained a confidence that can only come from the Holy Spirit. I am so humbled as I reflect on how this word has marked 2020 in a surplus of ways.

This year my word is BOLD. I am saying yes to this scary and unknown adventure, and I am saying yes to being bold. My prayer for myself and my squad is that we are bold enough to feel, speak, approach and to stretch ourselves into uncomfortable and unknown territory. I couldn’t be more thankful for every single one of you who has encouraged, heard me out, prayed for me and lifted me up during this past season. Each of you were SO BOLD in different ways and the Lord has taught me so much through your actions, words and persistence. So thank you for making this possible, for stretching me and for exemplifying what the Body of Christ is called to look like. 

In two days, I will be on a plane on my way to launch…this is NOT what I thought I would be doing in January 2021, but this is the next step for me in letting go, resting in confidence and being bold.


5 responses to “It’s Happening”

  1. Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind as I think about your journey. Stay safe and I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
    “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

  2. YOU ARE AMAZING! I love your words and can’t wait to see how bold you are throughout this entire year!!!

  3. It’s that time! Ugh, so hard to let you go….But I”m so, so proud of you Ken, for listening to God and following him! I’ve been praying so hard for your health and safety as you travel! Also praying you will touch and teach many, many people during your journey about what God’s love really looks like! I love you will all my heart and I know you will conquer your fears and be bold this year! We will miss you like crazy but it will probably it go by fast and you will be home again in no time! -Jeremiah 29

  4. Sweet Ken!
    Bold is a great word for you! Praying everyday for you and your team praying for your safety , health and spirit. Im so excited and proud that you are following Gods calling!
    Love you sweet Niece