
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This has been a hard and unpredictable season for us all, each in its own and unique way. My heart is heavy for the different changes and losses that friends, family and our world has experienced. One of the unpredictable aspects in my life, as most of you know, is the if’s, when’s and what’s regarding the World Race.

It has been a journey of trusting the Lord and walking with open hands. It has been so humbling to see all the staff and volunteers at Adventures in Missions work tirelessly to figure out a path for us to launch in January. With the state of the world and everything going on, we are unsure of exactly all the destinations on our 11 month journey, but trust that the Lord will reveal and lead us where we need to go and when. Although, beyond amazed that H Squad will be launching January 8th, 2021.

All this to say, Im so excited to announce that our teams have received our first months placement and I couldn’t be more pumped about this one! My team, and one other team from our Squad will be living in Los Chiles Alajuela, Costa Rica, which is located right next to the border of Nicaragua. We will be working with Fundacion Resplandecer ministry where we will be working on the farm participating in construction work and agriculture, in the church working with youth preaching, worshiping, evangelizing through games, singing, crafts and teaching, and wherever else we are needed. Our teams will stay with the gracious and hospitable hosts Rosita and Tony. We are so eager and ready to see what the Lord has prepared for month one on the Race.

Fundacion Resplandecer

Mission Statement: Resplandecer is a ministry that tends to at-risk teens and children in vulnerable conditions that need to be rehabilitated. Through the process of having these children here, they pour into and invest so that they can be reincorporated into society with support and love.”

About:  We contribute with the prevention and restauration of the youth in need, according to the biblical mandate expressed in Deuteronomy 5:11. Our main aim is to present a practical gospel and to be a way through which it is possible for them to experience and make as theirs the principles of the Kingdom of God for their lives.”