
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Thanks for being patient with me as I get settled and have taken a little time to send an update.
I have very limited access to WiFi, so posting updates has been tricky!

What have I been up to these past two weeks?… We arrived on the Farm on Wednesday, the 13th and if I’m being honest that moment feels like a life time ago. When we arrived, we were greeted by our sweet, gracious and hospitable hosts, Tony and Rosita. They had a delicious Costa Rican breakfast prepared and my favorite…coffee! This farm is on its own little beaten path and often times feels like we are in our own little world out here. I am staying out here until February 20th with my team and one other. There is a large pavilion where meals are shared, games are played, conversations are endless and worship is sung! During these past two weeks, I have spent lots of time getting to know everyone. It has been such a treat to get to learn about their stories, passions, dreams and desires.

What is our schedule like? Well…
Mondays are our Sabbath days…I have only experienced one and a half of these so far and let me tell you they are my saving grace. It has been such a sweet space to seek rest, alone time and with the Lord as well as process the MANY emotions I have experienced so far. Learning to give my body the rest it needs and deserves. I am excited to see what Sabbath looks like this next year and how that transcends into life when getting back.

Tuesdays are our “Adventure days” and if you know me well, you know I love the word adventure so IM PUMPED to share about some fun things we do! But this past week, we hiked to a pretty view, hiked back to a cold spring, and visited a hot spring! During lunch time we went to our sweet drivers house were his family prepared us a delicious meal outside. This day was so sweet and special because it gave our teams a chance to get to know one another better outside of the farm! We laughed HARD and made some sweet memories! One of those being taking communion all together in the hot springs! This day was full of friendship, exploring, culture and delicious fruit.

Wednesdays we spend the day in a town were Tony and Rosita have a house, about an hour and a half away from the farm. In the mornings we visit a school with children who come from broken homes and hard stories. For about four hours we love on the children, teach bible verses, worship and pray, play games and talk about what the Lord has done in our lives that week. We invite the Holy Spirit to fill the gap of which we cant meet with the language barrier. It’s really sweet to step into the challenge of loving someone even when we dont share the same language. In the afternoons we spend time with the women of the community-praying over them, hearing testimonies and sharing a cup of coffee with them! Some of these woman have walked through some hard hard things such as prostitution, addition and rejection. I am excited to see the Lord bring redemption and restoration through community and just offering a listening ear.

Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays: These are our work days! We spend all day here on the farm, helping Tony and Rosita make this place ready for ministry. So far we have built furniture, painted anything you can think of, laundry, cooking and cleaning, gardening work, organizing and anything else to fix this place up! These days consist of hard work and good conversations.Oh and we have a sweet little zoom church service Sunday mornings! 

Saturday mornings are spent planning ministry and the afternoons we visit another school where we do similar things that we do on Wednesday mornings. It’s been sweet, challenging, rewarding and I’m already learning lots!

Sending out a few blog posts at once…sorry for the explosion of information! Hopefully can figure it out where its just a little each week! But, keep a look out for Prayer Requests, an update on what the Lord has been teaching me, and a couple sweet ministry stories! Miss and love yall!

2 responses to “So what does life look like in Costa Rica?”

  1. Ken,
    It sounds like you are already witnessing Gods sweet blessings! I know those kids ane loving all this precious time with all of you! These pictures are so cute!
    Love you Dearly!

  2. Kennedy,
    I’m so proud of you and it makes me smile so wide to read how the Lord is already working in your life and the lives of everyone that gets the opportunity to meet you! God has always had big plans for you! I love you so much, sweet girl! Keep enjoying the journey!
